As I was strolling down the streets of Berlin, my nose caught a whiff of something savory and delicious. Following the scent, I ended up in front of a restaurant, and upon peeking through the window, I saw a plate of Schnitzel, Spätzle, and other mouth-watering dishes that screamed “German cuisine.” Intrigued, I decided to delve deeper and explore the popular dishes of German Cuisine.
German food is much more than just beer and sausage, though they are undoubtedly delicious. From savory Schnitzel to chewy Spätzle, German cuisine is a delightful mix of flavors and textures that will leave your taste buds begging for more.
Schnitzel: Schnitzel is perhaps the most well-known German dish. A thin slice of meat, preferably pork or chicken, is pounded until it is thin, breaded, and fried. Served with potatoes, gravy, and a side salad, Schnitzel is an all-time favorite.
Kohlrouladen: Germans are all about meat, and this dish is no exception. Kohlrouladen consist of ground meat, wrapped with cabbage. They are ususally served with potatoes and a dark gravy. This is certainly a meal for the colder seasons and you should give it a try when you are in Germany.
Kartoffelpuffer: A popular street food, the Kartoffelpuffer, is crispy potato pancakes served with a dollop of apple sauce. These yummy treats can be found at almost any German Christmas market or festival.
Bratwurst: Yes, it is true: Germans love their sausages. They come in all kinds of variants, from small to large, from fried to cooked. But a true classic is the Bratwurst, which will be made with each barbecue or fried in the pan. There is no time of the year, where you can’t enjoy a good Bratwurst.
Sauerkraut: A staple of German Cuisine, Sauerkraut is shredded, fermented cabbage that is sour yet savory. Often served with sausage or as a side dish, Sauerkraut is an excellent source of probiotics and is said to aid digestion. On a side note: If your dog ate something that might hurt the intestines, feed them Sauerkraut. It will wrap swallowed, spiky bones and make it less likely to injure your dog.
Spätzle: Often called Germany’s answer to Italian pasta, Spätzle are soft, chewy egg noodles that can be served as a side dish or a main course. These noodles get their unique shape by pushing the dough through a Spätzle press or a colander before boiling.
Bratkartoffeln: German-style fried potatoes, Bratkartoffeln, are made by frying potatoes until they’re crispy and golden brown. Often served with scrambled or fried eggs, sometimes with ham and onions, Bratkartoffeln is a typical breakfast dish in Germany.
Haxen: One of the most indulgent German dishes, Haxen is a large portion of roasted pork knuckle served with dumplings, red cabbage, and gravy. It is a comforting and hearty meal that will make you want to take a nap. But to say this: It’s not a meal for everyone.
German cuisine is a delicious combination of meat, potatoes, and a whole lot of flavor. If you happen to find yourself in Germany, or even if you’re just craving some authentic, comforting food, give these dishes a try. They are sure to delight your taste buds and make your stomach happy.
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